C2 Mastery – Escrito Online


LanguageCert International ESOL C2 Listening Written (Listening, Reading, Writing) Formato Online. En este producto obtendrás un código de LanguageCert International ESOL C2 Mastery para realizar el Written Exam de forma online. Una vez obtenido el código, simplemente tendrás que canjearlo en la página web de LanguageCert y elegir la fecha y el horario que te convengan para realizar el exámen online.

¡Compra la parte oral del C2 Online aquí!



 FORMAT Paper-based, computer based or Online with remote, live proctoring
 PASS MARK 50% (75/150)
 SKILLS Written (Listening, Reading, Writing)
GRADE BOUNDARIES Candidates are awarded High Pass, Pass or Fail
High Pass 101-150 / 150
Pass          75-100 / 150
Fail           0-74 / 150

For more detailed information, download the LanguageCert Qualification Handbook for International ESOL (Listening, Reading, Writing)


Libros de preparación

We work with prominent publishing houses to ensure that our partners and candidates have access to top quality learning materials for LanguageCert International ESOL exams. Below is a list of available books linked to publishers’ websites:

Burlington Books

ELI Publishing

Global ELT

Material de preparación oficial



Total: 1h & 40min
LanguageCert language exams - listening
Listening: 20 mins
LanguageCert language exams - reading and writing
Reading & Writing: 1 hour & 20 mins