
More useful words for TOEFL or TOEIC exams

This is Part Two of the most important and used academic words for the exams!


You can find useful words for TOEFL or TOEIC exams – Part 1 here

You will probably see these words in the prompts, passages, questions or listening sections.  It is important to become familiar with them so that they don’t take you by surprise in the exam.

In this part you can find 25 more words, with definitions and examples!

More useful words for TOEFL or TOEIC exams

1. Aspect

One part of a situation, problem, subject etc

E.G. Which aspect of the job do you enjoy the most?


2. Maintenance

The work needed to keep a road, building, machine etc in good condition.

E.G. There are many maintenance checks on each plane before take-off.


3. Investment

The act of putting money, effort, time etc into something to make a profit or get some sort of advantage, or the money, effort, time etc used to do this.

E.G. There are people who make their money from real estate investment.


4. Injury

Physical harm or damage to someone’s body caused by an accident or an attack.

E.G. The train crash resulted in several injuries.


5. Purchase

The act of buying something.

E.G. No purchase is necessary for you to enter this competition.


6. Journal

A serious magazine or newspaper that is published regularly about a particular topic.

E.G. He’s had several articles published in academic journals.


7. Complex

  • A large building with various connected or a related group of buildings.
    • E.G. They live in a large apartment complex
  • A particular anxiety or unconscious fear that a person has especially as a result of an unpleasant experience that they have had in the past or because they have a low opinion of their own worth.
    • E.G. He’s always had a complex about his weight.


8. Focus

The main or central point of something, especially of attention and interest.

E.G. What is the focus of the mans speech?


9. Sought

To try or to attempt.

E.G. They sought to reassure the public that there was nothing to panic about.


10. Perceive

To come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something.

E.G. Do you agree that women’s magazines are often perceived to be superficial (only worried about what is on the surface)?


11. Affect

To have an influence on someone or something, or to cause a change in someone or something.

E.G. Many businesses have been affected by the financial crisis.


12. Acquisition (be careful with spelling!)

Something that someone buys, often to add to a collection fo things.

E.G. The museum’s latest acquisition is a four-million dollar sculpture.


13. Chapter

A period that is part of a larger amount of time during which something happens.

E.G.The Second World War was a tragic chapter in our history.


14. Resource

A valuable or useful possession or quality of a country, organisation or person.

E.G. Do you agree that a company’s greatest resource is dedicated (believing that something is important so giving a lot of time to it) workers?


15. Consumer

A person who buys goods or services for their own personal use.

E.G. In recent years, what has become important for consumers?


16. Achieve

To succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort.

E.G.  What are you most proud of having achieved? –  What is your proudest achievement (n)?


17. Assistance


E.G. What assistance can the government provide to smaller companies in times of financial difficulty?


18. Feature (VERB- TO, NOT A FEATURE)

To include someone or something as an important part.

E.G. This week’s programme features the famous writer Stephen King.


19. Range

The amount, number or type of something between an upper and a lower limit.

E.G. The product is aimed at young people in the 18-25 age range.


20. Commission

A group of people who have been formally chosen and given the authority to get information about a problem or to perform other special duties.

E.G. The government has appointed a commission to study the effects of the virus.


21. Items (also something part of a list or group of things)

A piece of news on television, radio, or in a newspaper.

E.G. There is is a very interesting item on politics on page 14.


22. Obtained

To get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it, or producing it from something else.

E.G. What results did the scientists obtain from the study (when you examine something in detail in order to discover new information)?


23. Appropriate

Suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion.

E.G. You need to match the most appropriate answer with the question.


24. Survey

An examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions.

E.G. A recent survey found/revealed that there is no correspondence between crime and unemployment rates.


25. Conduct (VERB- TO – NOT BEHAVIOUR)

To organise and perform a particular activity.

E.G. Who conducted the business meeting?

If you liked this post about these 25 useful words for TOEFL and TOEIC, don’t forget to come back every Friday for the next set! Also, if you need extra help preparing please don’t hesitate to take a look at our classes with native, experienced teachers here.

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