25 Useful words for TOEFL and TOIEC

If you are familiar with this series, then this is part 3 of the most useful and common academic words for the TOEFL and TOEIC exams. If it’s your first time, welcome! Here you will see some very frequently used words and some examples of how they may be used or how you can use them!

In case you missed them, here are links to:

Part 1: https://dreamingcalifornia.es/useful-words-for-toefl-toeic-group1/

Part 2: https://dreamingcalifornia.es/useful-words-toefl-toeic-exams/


Useful words for TOEFL and TOIEC

1. Implies

To communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly.

»The idea of democracy implies free choice for the voters»

She was upset because he implied she was a bad cook.

2. Framework

A system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or decide something.

»The framework exists so that disputes can be settled easily» 

3. Publish

To make information available to people especially in a book, magazine, or newspaper, or to produce and sell a book, magazine, or newspaper.

»The government publishes figures  in a supplement (an extra part of a newspaper or magazine, published together or separately) every six months showing how many people are unemployed» 

4. Dominant

More important, strong, or noticeable than anything else  of the same type.

Also: Can mean a strong and forceful personality.

»For years iPhones were dominant in the technology market» 

She has a very dominant personality and has to control every situation.

5. Outcome

A result or effect of an action, situation etc

»What do you think the outcome of the election will be?»

6. Shift

To cause something or someone to move or change from one position or direction to another, especially slightly.

»There has been a shift in recent decades in attitudes to women’s roles in society»

7. Ensure

To make something certain to happen.

»You have a legal obligation to ensure your child receives a proper education» 

8. Specify

To explain, state or describe something clearly and exactly.

»We must specify the amount spent on advertising so we can measure our profits» 

9. Funds

Money but for a specific purpose.

‘What do you think is the best way to raise (succeed in getting money) funds for charity?»

10. Reliance

The state of depending on or trusting in something or someone. 

»Do you think some countries have too much of a reliance on tourism?»

11. Physical

Relating to things you can see or touch, or relating to the laws of nature.

»Do you agree that it is better to buy physical goods in person so that you can see them»

12. Partnership

An agreement between people, organisations etc to work together OR a business set up by two or more people.

»Do you think that a partnership between the government and private organisations is a good idea?»

The company is a partnership between the two people who started the business.

13. Validity

The quality of being based on truth or reason, or of being able to be accepted.

»This research gives validity to the opinion that this drug can cause cancer»

14. Task

A piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly or with difficulty.

»The government has a daunting (making you feel slightly worries or frightened about your ability to achieve something) task of solving the healthcare crisis caused by the pandemic»

15. Techniques

A way of doing an activity that needs skill.

»What are some examples of successful management techniques?»

16. Consent

Permission or agreement. To agree to do something or to allow someone to do something.

»How important is the role of consent in today’s society?»

17. Remove

To take something or someone away from somewhere, or off something.

»Many people protested for the removal of the troops from Iraq»

18. Circumstances 

A fact or event that makes a situation the way it is.

»It’s difficult to offer a solution to the problem until we know all the circumstances»

19. Instance

A particular situation, event or fact, especially an example of something that happens generally.

»There have been violent instances that broke out at peaceful protests»

20. Considerable 

Large or of noticeable importance.

»New legislation is prepared after considerable debate and thought»

21. Corporate 

Relating to a large company.

»There are a lot of debates surrounding the low corporate tax rates»

22. Constraints

Something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits.

»Have you ever felt limited in what you wanted to do by financial or moral constraints?»

23. Emphasis 

The particular importance or attention that is given to something.

»Do you think that schools put too much emphasis on grammar?»

24. Scheme 

An officially organised plan or system.

»Do you think that the government’s housing scheme works?»

25. Core

The basic and most important part of something.

»The lack of government funding is at the core of the problem»


If you’re familiar with this 25 useful words for TOEFL and TOIEC, don’t forget the opportunity to contact with us and prepare for the exam.

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