During your time in the US, you should try and participate in every part of American culture to truly get to know the country, its people and the language.
Here are 5 American traditions you should experience at least once:
1. Go to a baseball game
No matter what part of the country you are in, you should have the opportunity to go to an authentic American baseball game. Go with your friends and family, eat a hot dog and some Crackerjacks and cheer on the team of your choice. Even if you don’t understand all of the rules of the game, you’re guaranteed to have fun in the animated atmosphere of the baseball stadium.
2. Barbecues
Americans themselves will tell you that this is an important part of their culture. Americans barbecue everything; chicken, steak, hamburgers, hot dogs, vegetables and even some fruits such as pineapple. Part of the fun of a barbecue is gathering around with family and friends, cooking together and spending time outside on a beautiful day.
3. 4th of July celebrations
The 4th of July is the independence day of the United States. On this day, people get together and have a barbecue (usually with lots of meat), drink beer and set off lots of fireworks in their yards and in the streets. Many people also take this day to go to the beach if there’s one nearby. At night, people bring blankets, chairs and refreshments and go to watch their town’s spectacular fireworks show. The 4th of July and its celebrations is one of the most important American traditions you should experience.
4. Halloween
The origin of Halloween can be traced back thousands of years to Ireland, but Americans modified this holiday throughout the years after it was brought over by immigrants. Nowadays, Americans go to costume parties and children go around the neighborhood trick or treating. Americans tend to go all-out and get creative with their Halloween costumes. If you’re an adult, get dressed up and find a costume party to attend. If you’re young or have young children, go trick or treating!
5. Rodeos
Not all Americans are rodeo fans, but those who are, consider rodeos to be a very American tradition. Rodeos are especially popular in the south of the country and in rural areas. Rodeos have Spanish roots dating back centuries, originating from Spain’s bullfighting traditions. The conquistadors brought these traditions to Central and South America which then moved up to what is now the United States. Throughout the years, the traditions were modified and new events were added. At the rodeo there’s music, food, cowboys and farm animals. Common events at the rodeo include saddle bronc riding, steer wrestling, roping, bareback bronc riding, bull riding, and barrel racing. Going to a rodeo will surely be an authentic American experience.
Check out next week’s article for part 2 and 5 more American traditions you should experience during your trip to the US.